Dewey Game – Emergency Incidents and Consequences

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There has been a massive hurricane that has destroyed large portions of several cities in the Gulf of Mexico and has created floods, destruction of supply lines, mass property loss, homelessness and shortage of food. Famine and disease is predicted if nothing is done to help. It will take the effort of many hands to create a viable solution to all the problems this disaster has created. Each segment of the problem must have at least 12 activity points allocated from one or more individuals with the appropriate skills.

 Solve this humanitarian crisis as best you are able, or your society will suffer -20 happiness a round while this situation remains. 


There has been a pandemic outbreak of the Turkey Flu in the Eastern Seaboard. Many are sick and dying from this horrible disease that currently has no cure. Develop a plan to keep the majority of the country safe, or lose -30 happiness  a round while this situation remains. Discover a cure for the Flu, and earn +20 happiness.

The safety plan must be implemented with at least 15 activity points allocated from one or more individuals with the appropriate skills.

The cure must be created with 15 activity points allocated from one or more individuals with the appropriate skills.


ROITS! If your society currently has negative happiness (total up all character’s positive happiness and subtract society negatives), you have civil unrest and there are riots in the streets. Put together a plan to bring your citizenry back to peaceful attitudes or pay the price. You will lose -40 wealth every round that this goes unresolved.

The solution to the riots must bring your happiness score back into the positive realm, using any means you can conceive. Each activity point put into the solution will equate to a happiness point for the society.